Daily consumer goods transportation

       Compared with other industries, daily consumer goods transportation process is longer. Its logistics links is more and t Logistics transfer in time, so the logistics suppliers must have the ability to respond quickly.  Relying on extensive logistics network resources、advanced information management system and professional logistics team, Sinoocean is committed to providing full transport service for customers, helping customers effectively integrate their own supply chains, improving logistics efficiency and enhancing the core competitiveness of enterprises.

Services we can provide include:

Efficient transportation management service

       With extensive and numerous transportation network and rich logistics experience, we can provide customers with factory to market transportation services, return transportation services and other aspects of the service.

Value-added services supported by technology

        The new logistics system is utilized to realize the integration and facilitation of logistics management, and the visual monitoring system is realized to extend and expand the functions of logistics, improve the efficiency and accuracy of logistics operations, and ensure the accuracy of logistics.

Professional warehouse management services

        Including warehouse layout design, operation process design, inventory management, order management and other warehousing related value-added services.